Seeing the packing slip, wrong product received, and the outer packaging of your order can greatly help us determine if there was a fulfillment error on our part. Information on the packing slip and information for any wrong products received lets us know of internal corrections we need to make to prevent this type of scenario from happening again in the future.

Seeing the condition of the packaging when a customer receives the order can tell us if it was damaged in transit, closed back up using an abnormal method, and tells us if the carrier marked it with any stickers/tags. For international packages, we can see if customs left any notifications of opening the package for review or if they indicated seizure of any products.

Pictures are often the easiest way to provide the information needed, but we understand that sometimes that is not possible. When reporting a wrong item received or a missing item from an order, there is also an option to provide a written description of the situation and we can proceed with the appropriate course of action.